M60A1 "Patton"
1st Marine Expeditionary Force, 1st Marine Division
Operation "Desert Storm". Battle of Kuwait International Airport, february 1991
M60A3 "Patton"
268th Armoured Regiment, 8th Infantry Division
Operation "REFORGER" 1988, West Germany
Krupp 28cm Kanon 5(Eisenbahn) Ausführung C "Leopold" nicknamed "Anzio Annie"
Eisenbahnbatterie 712.
German railroad gun with WR360C14 Diesel Locomotive
Anzio, Italy. Spring 1944
Krupp 28cm Kanon 5(Eisenbahn) Ausführung C "Leopold" nicknamed "Anzio Annie"
Eisenbahnbatterie 712.
German railroad gun with WR360C14 Diesel Locomotive
Anzio, Italy. Spring 1944